Audalei's Indie Music imbues a sense of somberness through her vocal textures and processing, while the supporting instrumentation beneath the vocals seem to shower you with glimmers of hope. The melancholic vocals convey the feeling of acceptance in a state of distress, which is something that everyone has experienced at some point their lives. Sad songs is a form of art in which Audalei has precisely spent a substantial amount of time and energy on.

The artist's latest single, 'Meringue Pie', puts across these very concepts with the explicit perspective of tranquility taken into account of the composition as well.
Audalei implements a modern sense of production into the acoustic Indie Pop / Indie Folk arrangements we have grown to love, which is a breathe of fresh air in the over-saturated industry.

If you find yourself looking for compositions which run along the lines of Black Lilys, Laney Trip or Thomas Lavine; Audalei provides a perfect representation for this sub-sub-genre of Indie Pop. The tonality and timbre of the instruments here sonically provide a passage for emotions and waves of them, specifically the Ukulele taking center stage to really drive in the feelings Audalei expresses.
'Meringue Pie' is the artist's second single to date, the first one (Serotonin) being released earlier this year. Serotonin is filled with dispirited vocal harmonies which compliment the sheer power the track has to leave you in disarray.
Haven't had a chance to listen to Audalei? Click here to listen to Audalei and more on Sugarcoat's 'Indie Pop Playlist'