For most people stuck in lockdown, nothing very fruitful was accomplished, but not so with Belgium-based, 26-year-old Noonzy. For a long time, playing only in bands, Noonzy hadn’t ever made music on his own, but with Covid putting a stop to almost every aspect of life, he found himself wanting to launch solo, and thus project Noonzy was born.
With a quirky sense of humor and a chill, nonchalant attitude, Noonzy makes music one simply cannot help, but fall in love with, if not leave on repeat. His love for music was first realized when he laid his hands on the keys of the piano, lying in his primary school hallway, where he and his friends would sneak in sometimes to play a few notes. Although it took him a while to fully undertake music as a practiced hobby, his first notes were played in that very hallway.
With the start of the new year 2022, Noonzy blesses us with two great singles called, “idk” and “Spider Monkey”.
Noonzy speaks to us about how he wrote, Spider Monkey.
“The song Spider Monkey really just kinda "happened". I was jamming and singing " I wouldn't mind" and then I felt like giving it a random/surprising twist, so "to be a spider monkey" felt appropriate. Generally, I like to powder my music with some light-heartedness. I like that :) It's like a wink to the listener.”
The mood of the song just urges the listener to kick it back, take it easy, and not try too hard. Noonzy’s Spider Monkey is sure to leave you smiling and possibly bopping too, because in all honesty, who wouldn’t want to simply be a spider monkey, with all that’s currently happening in the human realm. You can listen to Spider Monkey here!

Lyrics: I prefer to have a ticket Instead of hiding in the loo I enjoy the sound of crickets But an evening spent with you I wouldn’t mind No I wouldn’t mind I don’t need to be a tiger I don’t have to be that strong A tiger would be cool but mah nah FOKKIT
High up in a tree is where I belong I wouldn’t mind No I wouldn’t mind To be a monkey I wouldn’t mind No I really wouldn’t mind To be a spider monkey I don’t mind being the circle I don’t mean to be no square I just want to be the table Cause I don’t like being the chair But I wouldn’t mind No I really wouldn’t mind To be a monkey No I wouldn’t mind I really wouldn’t mind To be a spider monkey
Be sure to start following this guy, because he is showing great promise, and wouldn't you want the satisfaction of growing with a person and watching them succeed, and saying, "Hey, I followed them way before they got famous"? Noonzy plans on releasing 1 or 2 (maybe even 3 tracks) a month, this year, which will all be part of the "post-it-tapes". Every track will be released as a single and the artwork will be a post-it with a suitable background. Eventually, he plans to put all the tracks on a record which will be called the "post-it-tapes". It's not really an album, but more a collection of tracks. He aims to have this 'record' done by the summer and then wishes to release a debut album by the end of 2022. I personally cannot wait to see what Noonzy has in store for all of us!

Noonzy. Credit: Facebook @Noonzymusic